Dinosaurs Part 10: Dinosaurs Go To Pluto and They Get Lost
We got on the big planet. "Wow, that planet is really, really, really big!" Kathrynn said.
"I don't know, it sounds really dangerous," I said, in a weird voice. Kathrynn really loved the voice that I said. With a really weird voice, I said, "I don't know, I hate it when we go to a big planet!"
Then we found some more aliens. Me and Kathrynn was hiding. I got out of the hole. And I wanted to battle. Kathrynn said, "There're too many of them! I'll go, too." I said, "No, it's really dangerous." Kathrynn agreed.
I called the aliens dumbasses. Then I won, with a SLICE and a BAM and more slices and bams and that would be the end of the battle.
The others were done on Pluto, and we were done on the big giant planet. But the dinosaurs were lost. I didn't want to go without the dinosaurs. The others comed with me. Kathrynn was coming, too. And Kevin.
We found a clue. It was a dinosaur step. It led to Venus. We got to Venus with our space ship. There were still more footsteps of dinosaurs. It led to where lots of trees were at. We found the dinosaurs. Then the dinosaur steps were fading from the sun at Venus. We were lost, too. Kevin said, "I remember where the footsteps were. Follow me!" We followed Kevin. Then we got to our space ships.
We got home to Earth. The dinosaurs went back to the past where they were. And then we went to sleep.