Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Nine

Rebecca, Kevin, and David were chattering about what was happening. "Oh, my!" said Rebecca.

"Yep," said Kevin and David.

"Hey!" said Joe. "We got something on our radar!"

"Hooray! We're almost to Venus!" said everybody.

"Hey! There's a shield around Venus!" said the computer system of the rocketship.

"Oh, no!" said everybody.

"Only people with spacesuits on can get through shields," said Kevin.

"Me and Joe should go," said David. "Okay, Joe, let's go!"

Joe and David got their spacesuits on and then went off to get on the surface of Venus.

"It's hot over here!" said Joe.

"I'm sweating!" said David. "Hey, look! A shield generator!"

"But there's--I can't make it out," said Joe.

"We have to keep going," said David.

"Hey, it's a trap! AAAAAH!" said David and Joe.

A trap net fell on David and Joe. "Ha! We got prisoners!" said aliens. The aliens tied a knot on the net, then dragged David and Joe toward the shield generator. David and Joe were thrown into a prison cell.

"Execute them when it's time," said one of the aliens.

"Yes, sir!" said an alien.

David and Joe whispered about what they should do. "I think we should try to distract them by using whatever food's in here," whispered David.

"Yeah, I think if we get the guard to get in here, we can sneak out and then lock the door on him!" said Joe.

"Hey! Alien guard! We've got some very good food over here, if you want a bite!" said David.

"Mmmmmm," drooled the alien guard, stupidly. "I'm comin'!"

The alien guard unlocked the door. "Here, here's the food. Now go eat facing the wall. And don't close the gate!" said Joe.

"Okay," said the alien guard stupidly.

"Yay! We're free!" said David.

David and Joe started running toward the command center.

"Hey! Wha? How in the world did you--HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET OUT?!" said the alien captain.

"Your stupid guard let us out!" said Joe.

"He's as stupid as a gorilla!" said David.

"Why, you-" said the alien captain.

"Hey, I think the alien guard just gave us back our laser swords, too," said David.

"Oh. My. God." said the alien captain.

"DESTROY HUMANS," said the computer system of the shield generator. Turrets turned on.

"AAAAAH! Stupid computer system!" said the alien captain. "You're aiming for us, you stupid--"

BAM! SLASH! David and Joe started fighting the aliens. More BAMS! More SLASHES! They killed the aliens.

"Ha!" said David.

"My only chance of defeating you stupid humans is to battle you!" said the alien captain. The alien captain got out his laser sword. He gave out a big yell, then charged toward David and Joe.

David, Joe, and the alien captain started fighting. BAM! SLASH! The alien captain was dead. "Yay! Hooray!" said David and Joe.

"Now to disable the shield generator," said David.

"There's the power switch!" said Joe.

David pulled down the lever and the shield generator started to shake. "Ohhh no," said both of them. "We've got to get out of here! The whole place is going to blow!" said Joe.

They ran to get out of the command center. They got past the traps during the run. Just at the last second, they got out. *COOL EXPLODING SOUND* The shield generator exploded.

"Yay!" said Joe.
"Hooray!" said David.

"Hey, look! The others are landing!" said Joe.

"We're coming in for a landing," said Rebecca over the communicator.

"Now to explore more of Venus's surface," said David.


Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Eight

David and Kevin were crawling through the hole in the prison cell. "It's getting tighter!" said David.

"Ouch!" said Kevin.

"You said it!" said David.

"Hey, I see light!" said Kevin.

"We're almost... there..." said David.

"Aaah! I'm stuck! I can't move!" said Kevin.

"Me, too!" said David.

"AAAGH! An alien!" said both of them.

They were pulled out of the hole. It hurt. "Owie!" said both of them.

"So you tried to escape this time," said the alien captain. "Kill them, boys!"

"Wait!" said David and Kevin. "You can't just kill us easily. If you want a real challenge, give us back our laser swords!"

"Hmm, that's a good idea," said the alien captain. "Give them back their laser swords."

"Ha! I can take you out easily!" said David and Kevin. BAM! SLASH! MORE BAMS! MORE SLASHES! The aliens were all dead, except for the alien captain.

"I'll get you for this! SELF-DESTRUCT SYSTEM ACTIVATED!" said the alien captain.
"Self-destruct system activated," said the computer system of the alien spaceship.

"Oh, no! The captain ejected! Now we're left here to explode to death!" said David.

"We've got to get out here!" said Kevin.

"We've got to get our spacesuits on, too!" said David.

"We've only got a few minutes to get out of here," said Kevin. "Hey, look! Our spacesuits!"

"But--they're blocked by alien guards!" said David.

"HIIIIYAAAAHHHH!" said both of them. BAAAAAMMMMM! SLAAAAAAAAAAAASSHHHHH! [Author laughing] David and Kevin killed the alien guards.

"Hooray!! Yay!" said both of them.

"Okay, we got our spacesuits," said Kevin. "LET'S GO!" said both of them. They put on their spacesuits. Then they used the jetpack that somehow got on them and blasted out of the hole that the alien captain used for an ejection hole.

KABLOOEY! The alien ship exploded.

"YESSS!" said Kevin and David.

"Now, back to the rocketship," said David.

"We're back!" said both of them.

"Hooray! Yay!" said all of them.

Rebecca said, "What happened?"

"We'll tell you that on the way to Venus," said both of them.


Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Seven

"Venus it is," said Kevin.

They were halfway there when they heard something. It was an alien spaceship!

Only two could go outside to ambush the alien spaceship. David and Kevin put on their spacesuits and went off to get to the core of the alien spaceship.

"Ohhh noooo," said Kevin.

"What in the world?! They have an ion cannon! We have to stop the alien spaceship!" said David. They went as fast as they could.

"I'm being pulled by a tractor beam!" said David.

"Me, too!" said Kevin.

"Muahahahahaha," said the alien captain. "Take them prisoner!"

"Ouch!" said David. The communicator was ringing. Rebecca said, "Hello? Do you read me? David, are you there?" David got hit unconscious.

"Ouch!" said Kevin.

They were thrown into a cell. "Ouch!" said both of them.

"Where are we?" said Kevin.

"A prison cell," said David.

"This is bad. REAL bad," said Kevin.

"We've got to find a way to get out of this prison cell!" said David.

"Hey, look! A hole in the wall!" said Kevin.

David said, "That's our only way out of this alien spaceship."

"Let's go!!" said both of them.


Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Six

After they were done cheering, they all went in the same directions they were going in the first place. David found a part. It was an engine. He brought it back to where they camped out. Then kept going.

Rebecca, Aiden, Kathrynn, and Kevin found shields for the armor, machine guns for the ship, and some armor for the ship. They brought it back to where they camped out, and kept going.

Joe found a space suit, for going out into space when something has been hit or damaged. Wendy found a repair hammer for space. Josh found almost everything. They both went back to where they were camping out. Then they stayed there.

David came back with another part. He found another space suit. And an Xbox. He also found a transforming kitchen and living room. It can go inside the rocketship for a living room and kitchen.

Rebecca, Kathrynn, Kevin and Aiden found some food, an Xbox 360, and all of the games for an Xbox and an Xbox 360.

It took about three hours for them to finish the rocketship. Then they said, "A very, very nice rocketship!" Then they were off!

"Which planet?" asked Kevin.

"Venus!" said David.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Five

David and his friends went to get parts for a rocketship. David went out south, some of the others went north, Joe went west, Wendy went east, and Josh went northeast. Rebecca, Kevin, Aiden, and Kathrynn went southwest.

While David was going south, he heard a noise. It was aliens! He jumped into a crater. He got his laser sword out. Just before the first part of this, when the battle came up, when they first got taken to the moon, David somehow got communicators. He gave a communicator to each of his friends. Now, back to the story: David got out his communicator and called for help. David said, "I need backup!" (That means help.)

Kevin said, "I'm on my way!"
Rebecca said, "I'm coming!"
Aiden said, "I'm trying to come in, but I cannot move fast."
Kathrynn said, "I'm running as fast as I can!"
Joe said, "Okay!!!"
Wendy said, "Josh and me found each other accidentally, so we're both coming!"

When they all got there, they all jumped into the crater with David. They got their flamethrower, laser guns, and laser swords out. David said, "CHARGE!!!!!!!!"

They all went into battle. They all said, "DUMBASSES!" The aliens said, "What in the world?!" BAM! SLASH! *COOL REPEATING SOUND OF GUN* BAM! SLASH!

"Ouch!" said an alien.
"Ouch!" said more aliens.

All the aliens were dead. Everyone said, "Hooray! Yay!" and jumped in the air.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Four

After the battle, David said, "We should go on an adventure!"

The others said, "It sounds kind of dangerous. And even more dangerous, because aliens are all over the planets."

David said, "Don't worry! We can take those aliens out in no time!"

"Okayyy..." said the others.


Dinosaurs Series Two: Part Three

When David's friends went to sleep, the dinosaurs heard another thing. An army of aliens! They were planning to take over the galaxy.

David and his friends were going to go up there and destroy the army. While they were going up there, they heard the captain of the aliens say, "We need to plant more armies on all the planets, including Earth!"

David said, "I want to call them 'dumbasses.' Everybody else, CALL THEM 'DUMBASSES'!!" So David and his friends went up to call them "dumbasses." It was funny. So funny the aliens puked. Then David and his friends killed them all.


Dinsoaurs Series Two: Part Two

THEN. David and his friends and the dinosaurs were being sucked up to the moon. Like in series one, they brought laser swords and laser guns. Well, they brought a flamethrower with them, too. They were going to camp out.

While they were sleeping, the dinosaurs heard a noise. Other kids were spying on them. The kids' names were Joe, Wendy, and Josh. They were friendly. They joined the party.

Joe was telling David about how they got to the moon. He was saying, "Just before your battle took place, we were sucked up to the moon."

"Wow," David said.


Dinosaurs Series Two: Part One

Once upon a time, again, David heard a stomping noise. It was a dinosaur again. The same black one. He was taken to the desert, again. That is where another big battle came in. This time, there was two big, bad, brown T-Rexes. All of David's friends attacked the big brown T-Rexes. This was an easier battle than Series One. All of David's friends were with other dinosaurs. They won the battle. THEN.


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Once Upon a Time: Part 1

Once upon a time, there was this one kid that wanted to have adventures. Just like in the dinosaurs posts. Remember all those parts? It was pretty funny.

Okay, back to the story. His name was Joe. Joe got sucked up to Jupiter, where all of his friends were. Like in the dinosaur posts, they had laser swords and laser guns. But not a ship. They planned to explore Jupiter, then build a ship to go back to Earth. THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING.

To be continued... maybe.

The Weirdest Most Weirdest of All the Posts

Once upon a once upon a, there lived a really weird person. He weirded people out. He even weirded out poop. And pee. He can also weird out God.