Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Castles of the Night: Chapter Two

When we got up to the tower, we saw some kind of house. We went down the tower to go into the house. I had my games in my backpack. I had a Play Station 2 in my backpack. I thought that there was a plug for my Play Station 2. We got in the house.

Kathrynn said, "This is wood. I wanted brick." I said, "Don't say anything about the wood. I love wood! I looove cutting wood!"

Kathrynn said, "Soooooooooo? Are we going to hook up our Play Station 2?" We hooked up our Play Station 2 and played.

All of a sudden it was time to leave this place. We got back to the treehouse and found our home planet book. We wished back to our home house. We said it. The tree house spinned faster. The winds whistled louder. Then it was quiet. Kathrynn said, "That was a great time at the castle!" I agreed.


I Want to Make a Drink Called Rude-Beer

I wanted to make a drink called Rude-Beer. I didn't have the Rude in my closet. So I had beer, but I didn't have Rude.

The End