Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 7: We Were Done With the Rocket Ship and the Dinosaurs Got the Last Pieces

When we were kind of finished with the rocket ship, we were missing two pieces. The dinosaurs brought us those two pieces. And we fitted them on, and we were ready to go. First, Saturn. "We are ready to go to Saturn," I said. Kevin agreed. Rebecca, too.

We left the moon. We were having some food on the space ship. We were having a fun time in my space ship. I called it David's Space Ship Built By Me.

When we got to Saturn, we saw some bad aliens and bad guys. They had some different weapons, not like us. But we needed some more firepower. We got some more firepower from behind the trees. Fire guns, flame throwers, and other stuff. We were ready to battle! I was ready, too, and the dinosaurs.

There were 11 bad guys. And 2 aliens. That makes 13 bad guys. I was taking the guys, the others were taking the aliens. Kevin wanted to fight with me, and I agreed.

So we fighted the biggest battle in the world! It was the first biggest battle. Now this battle was over. We killed all the aliens and bad guys. "That was a good battle, everyone," I said. Kevin agreed.

To Be Continued...


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