Saturday, October 23, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 10: Dinosaurs Go To Pluto and They Get Lost

When we were done on Mars, we went to Pluto. When we got to Pluto, we found a big planet by it. The dinosaurs were going to go check it out. We were going for Pluto. I didn't want the dinosaurs to get hurt, so I went with the dinosaurs. Kathrynn, too.

We got on the big planet. "Wow, that planet is really, really, really big!" Kathrynn said.

"I don't know, it sounds really dangerous," I said, in a weird voice. Kathrynn really loved the voice that I said. With a really weird voice, I said, "I don't know, I hate it when we go to a big planet!"

Then we found some more aliens. Me and Kathrynn was hiding. I got out of the hole. And I wanted to battle. Kathrynn said, "There're too many of them! I'll go, too." I said, "No, it's really dangerous." Kathrynn agreed.

I called the aliens dumbasses. Then I won, with a SLICE and a BAM and more slices and bams and that would be the end of the battle.

The others were done on Pluto, and we were done on the big giant planet. But the dinosaurs were lost. I didn't want to go without the dinosaurs. The others comed with me. Kathrynn was coming, too. And Kevin.

We found a clue. It was a dinosaur step. It led to Venus. We got to Venus with our space ship. There were still more footsteps of dinosaurs. It led to where lots of trees were at. We found the dinosaurs. Then the dinosaur steps were fading from the sun at Venus. We were lost, too. Kevin said, "I remember where the footsteps were. Follow me!" We followed Kevin. Then we got to our space ships.

We got home to Earth. The dinosaurs went back to the past where they were. And then we went to sleep.


Monday, October 11, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 9: The Dinosaurs Go to Mars

When we were done on Jupiter, we were going to go to Mars. We found our space ship. I didn't know what happened, but the engines were down. I found some engines when the Leader of All Guys dropped some engines. Then we put them in and we set off for Mars.

We had lots of fun on my space ship. Kevin said, "Let's play Star Wars: Rebel Strike!" I agreed, so we played. It's a two-player game. I was the one that destroyed the Death Star. And we got to Mars.

We saw another army of guys. We were going to attack again. But this time there were two Leaders of All Guys. Kevin was going to battle the first one, and I was going for the second one. The others were going for the other guys.

Kevin beat his first one. He found something. It was a crystal. And I killed mine, but there was nothing. Kevin said, "Wow. This is a crystal!"

I said, "I don't know if that would be a dangerous thing."

Kevin said, "Don't be silly. It could be a good thing."

The others beat all of the other guys. I said, "Wow. That's a big space ship. Bigger than ours! Let's take it!" Me and Kevin were going to take the big one. The others were going to take the little one. Then we were going to set off for Pluto.

To Be Continued...

Friday, October 08, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 8: Dinosaurs Go to Jupiter

When we were done at Saturn, we found our space ship again. And we went to Jupiter. We ate. We slept. And we also brought some video games on the space ship, and a TV. And I was playing some cool games. I was playing Batman. After that, Star Wars: Rebel Strike. I had an X Box on the space ship. I played Halo. Then we got to Jupiter.

It was a fun time on the space ship. Then something happened. I heard footsteps. Those must be an army of guys. We were going to find out. We hid in some trees. They were an army of guys. They were setting up to go to all of the planets. We had to fight them.

We got out and began the battle. One of the bad guys said, "What?"

I said, "We're here to destroy your army!"

One said, "Ha ha ha! You're never going to destroy my army of guys!"

Kevin said, "You dumbasses." Kathrynn agreed.

One said, "I'm going to kill you for this!"

I said, "I'm going to kill you, dumbass!" Kevin agreed. Then we began the battle.

All of the other guys battled, too. And the dinosaurs. We were fighting the dumbasses. I thought we would never win this battle. Some had flame throwers. Some had ultimate guns. I found lots of ultimate guns for all of my friends at the battle. We battled all of the bad guys that were standing. And then after those guys, we were going to battle The Leader of All Guys. He was kind of strong. But I was the greatest battler in the world. I got my laser sword out. He got a laser sword, too. "I'm going to take this guy," I said. Kevin agreed.

"I'm going to beat you," The Leader of All Guys said. Then we battled. I was doing great at battling. But the other guy was stronger. I got him a million times with my laser sword. The Leader of All Guys got me 100 times. But only one more hit for him and he's dead! I tried to hit him, but he was too fast. I hit him--BAM! He's dead.

Kevin said, "Watch out!" I agreed. Someone was going to kill me, but I got him. WHAP! That was the end of the battle. We set off for Mars.

To Be Continued...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 7: We Were Done With the Rocket Ship and the Dinosaurs Got the Last Pieces

When we were kind of finished with the rocket ship, we were missing two pieces. The dinosaurs brought us those two pieces. And we fitted them on, and we were ready to go. First, Saturn. "We are ready to go to Saturn," I said. Kevin agreed. Rebecca, too.

We left the moon. We were having some food on the space ship. We were having a fun time in my space ship. I called it David's Space Ship Built By Me.

When we got to Saturn, we saw some bad aliens and bad guys. They had some different weapons, not like us. But we needed some more firepower. We got some more firepower from behind the trees. Fire guns, flame throwers, and other stuff. We were ready to battle! I was ready, too, and the dinosaurs.

There were 11 bad guys. And 2 aliens. That makes 13 bad guys. I was taking the guys, the others were taking the aliens. Kevin wanted to fight with me, and I agreed.

So we fighted the biggest battle in the world! It was the first biggest battle. Now this battle was over. We killed all the aliens and bad guys. "That was a good battle, everyone," I said. Kevin agreed.

To Be Continued...

Dinosaurs Part 6: The Dinosaurs Go On An Adventure With Me

I woke up. All of my other friends woke up, too. And the dinosaurs. I said, "Let's go on an adventure!"

Kevin said, "It would be kind of dangerous." Rebecca agreed.

I said, "Don't be silly. It will be a good adventure! Going to Saturn, going to Mars, lots of different kind of adventures we could go on."

Kevin said, "Those look like my favorite planets in the universe." I agreed. Kathrynn, too.

I didn't know what we could do on that adventure to lots of different planets in space. We needed to build a rocket to go to all of those planets. If we didn't have a rocket, we wouldn't go to one of those planets. Kathrynn agreed. Kevin, too. We started building our rocket ship. I got all the pieces to make the rocket ship. It would be a good time being in the rocket ship. I brought some food, too.

To Be Continued...

Dinosaurs Part 5: The Dinosaurs See Aliens Spying On Us

When we were sleeping, the dinosaurs heard a noise and woke us up. We thought it was aliens. It was aliens! They were spying on us!

We needed to fight the aliens. One had a laser sword and another had a laser gun and another had a laser sword, too. We got into battle. I had a laser sword and Kevin was fighting with me. When the battle was almost ended we were winning the whole battle. We killed them all! It was a good battle for us, for the first battle on the moon.

We didn't know what else was going to be out there. But we would find out. I didn't know if the next enemies would have different kinds of weapons. We went back to sleep, and the dinosaurs, too.

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Dinosaurs Part 4: The Dinosaurs Are Going to Give Us Some More Firepower

When we got to the moon, the dinosaurs gave us some firepower. Some more laser swords and some more laser guns. We knowed how to use guns and swords, and we were going to fight ourselves out of the moon. And battle all the bad guys that were there at the moon! It was not easy. But we tried our best! It was a good time having a camp on the moon. I brought some camp stuff and food. And we were the best kids ever that ever got on the moon.

To Be Continued...

Dinosaurs Part 3: The Dinosaurs Go to the Moon

When we were done on the battle, something was happening. We were being taken to the moon! All of my friends were coming, too, and all of the dinosaurs that lost the battle. But my parents weren't coming. Neither were the other parents. We needed to fight ourselves back to earth.

I didn't know how to fight ourselves back to earth. But we needed some firepower. We actually bringed some laser guns and some laser swords. Those would be good for our adventure. The Adventure from the Moon to Earth.

To Be Continued...

Dinosaurs Part 2: The Nice Dinosaurs Win

When the battle started all of the dinosaurs were attacking the bad brown T-Rex. My dinosaur was doing good at battling. All of the other dinosaurs lost that battle, but my dinosaur was the coolest dinosaur in the world. It beat the bad brown T-Rex. And that was the battle. It was a cool one.

To Be Continued...

The Dinosaurs Has Been Extinct Now

I was in my house. Suddenly I heard a stomp noise. It sounded like a real live dinosaur.

It was a dinosaur! It was a T-Rex! Then I climbed on the dinosaur's back. It gave me a ride to the desert. Other people had been to the desert already with the other dinosaurs. My father and mother were there. And Kevin and Rebecca and Kathrynn and Aiden and all of my other friends were there.

We heard another stomp noise. It was a mean dinosaur. It was another T-Rex. It was a different one, it was brown. My other one was black. Our dinosaurs battled the T-Rex that was brown. I didn't know if the dinosaurs could do it.

To Be Continued...